Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Book 2007.06.19 - Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

Finally managed to finish Robert Pirsig's philosophical book after months and months of on-and-off reading. I read each and every word, although I understood only about a quarter of the book. You have the narrator doing a road trip across the US with his son and two friends. During their stops, he would ponder about technology and wonder why some people are averse to it. His main philosophy is that people's outlook in life is either romantic or classical. And this is where most tensions arise. He believes that one can aim for a middle ground to get the best of both worlds - like understanding how a motorcycle functions as a complete entity and still knowing all the nitty-gritty details down to the nuts and bolts of the machine.

The author also talks a lot about the concept of quality - what it is, what it means, how we can identify quality, how we can achieve quality, etc. I have to admit these are a bit over my head already, especially the parts where he has flashbacks and becomes Phædrus.

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