Saturday, November 12, 2011

Movie 2011.11.12 - Leaves of Grass

This is one messed-up movie. I had no idea what it was about, so I didn't know what to expect. You have this esteemed Ivy League classical philosophy teacher on his way up. Then you have his identical twin brother who designed and manages this state-of-the-art hydroponic drugs glasshouse. The loan sharks are hot on his tail, so he cooks up a plan to lure his good brother to come visit, while he goes to Tulsa to finish off the loan sharks. So I was thinking something like The Hangover. Not.

The bad brother and his sidekick kill off the loan shark and his goons in cold blood, then rushes back to town pretending nothing ever happened. Just as the good brother is about to leave for the airport, some depressed Jewish dentist saw through their scheme and came to the house with a gun to blackmail them. Good brother stepped up and managed to diffuse the situation. Bad brother made a sudden move, so the dentist shoots him. Outraged, the good brother fires back. A few seconds later, the police came. The dying bad brother took possession of the incriminating gun, so good brother is not implicated.

To pay for the funeral costs and support his widowed pregnant SIL, good brother talks to the remaining goons if they're willing to buy off the greenhouse. Say what?! The bad boys reckon they should have it for free. Good brother turned and left, but not before getting hit with a crossbow arrow right through the chest. The sidekick killed off the bad guys and took him to the hospital. The Hangover this is definitely not.

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