Friday, December 16, 2005

Missed Again!

To all the drivers out there. Always make the shoulder-check when changing lanes because blind spots really do exist, and they can be dangerous. Simply looking at the side mirror is not enough.

I've been driving for years back in Manila, and I never got the habit to shoulder-check. I drive pretty fast, so there never was a need. Every time I switch lanes, I'm pretty sure noboby will be behind me. Here in Sydney, I have to keep within 60kph, and everyone else is on the same speed. Just a while ago, I had a near-collision. After making sure there was no car on my side mirror, I accelerated a little bit, and started turning the wheel. At the last moment, a white car magically appeared right beside me. I swerved back to my lane, and saved myself from car insurance hell. Obviously, the guy was not happy. I immediately gave him the universal peace sign between drivers, and he was appeased, I think.

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