Saturday, March 3, 2007

Book 2007.03.03 - The Magdalene Cipher

If you've read Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code already, you can safely skip The Magdalene Cipher. I can assure you both are so-so. Jim Hougan's novel basically has a timing problem. First half of the book is slow and dragging. Starting from second half is non-stop action and travelling - from Langley to London to Zurich to Channel Islands to Madrid back to London to Paris to Zernez.

What the main protagonists (and antagonists) did during all these stops is not that important. All you need to know is the ending. Basically, Jack Dunphy discovers that the CIA is merely a front to cover the clandestine activities of the Magdalene Society, an ancient order whose purpose is to bring about a unified Europe under the rule of the lone heir to the Merovingian line. While Dunphy searches for the truth, the powers that be is hellbent on stopping him. Dunphy eventually locates the last descendant of Jesus and Magdalene, and helps him escape from his mansion-prison. Without B12 shots for his anemia, the anointed one eventually dies, and with him, the Magdalene Society. The end.

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