Saturday, October 16, 2010

Movie 2010.10.16 - The Informant!

I'm not sure what to make of this movie. At first glance, it's quirky, it's smart, it's funny, it's offbeat. Feels like a long-running joke, and you're just waiting for the punchline. Then it became too long. The storyline started getting off-tangent. When the punchline came, it wasn't what you were expecting and it wasn't funny.

This is supposedly a true story of how top executive Mark Whitacre (Matt Damon) became an informant of the FBI, who was investigating ADM (Archer Daniels Midland) for price-fixing with Japanese and Korean lysine producers. Turns out that Mark was trying to get rid of the other executives at ADM, so he can become president of the company. Arrests were made using the secret video recordings Mark made during meetings. The ADM executives are not gonna take this lying down. Mark was found to have embezzled around $11 million in company funds through shell companies. For this, he lost his whistleblower immunity, and went to jail. During the trial, we find out that he might have bipolar disorder and is a compulsive liar. Serves him right.

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