Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Buzz Lightyear Light Chaser Toy Battery Change

Son got a Buzz Lightyear toy with spinning lights and laser gun for Christmas. Battery's a bit low already, and I can't figure out where the battery compartment is. With the help of Google, I determined the batteries are hidden behind the jet pack, but no instructions as to how to replace them. Hence this post.

Lots of Buzz Lightyear toys out there. The one I'm talking about is a Disney World exclusive with three "tentacles" coming out of Buzz' helmet, which spins around and lights up when his legs are squeezed together.

Basically, you need to pop off the jet pack. There's a top hinge and a lower tab. Press the lower tab in, and use a screwdriver to pop out the jet pack. Be careful, as you might break off some plastic part. Hopefully, the pictures will help you.


  1. Thank you. We got this toy as a hand me down and had no idea what to do.

  2. You are the bomb. Thanks for answering this question. My kid was so sad the batteries were dead and I couldn't figure out for the life of me how to replace them. Thanks so much!

  3. my mom and my son found this at good will and we could not figure out what he did :) happy kiddo

  4. Thanks for this great piece of advice. Any idea what to do if the spinning lights don't work?

  5. What batteries will fit? I couldn't get the ones I see, anywhere

  6. Thanks but after changing battery the light still dosent light up and spin . Any advice & hint for this ?

  7. Thank you! We bought one a few months ago and it stopped working right before we even left the park.

  8. have the same problem...after changing battery the light wont work...

  9. Thank you for the tip. Making my little munchkin happy seeing her buzz working again.

  10. My 5 year-old grandson thanks you. :-)

  11. Thank you. I couldn’t figure out where the batteries were. Tried popping it off but it won’t open up. Afraid I’ll break it

  12. Thank you! It took a little bit, but I got it. :)

  13. Thanks for the solution. We got it done after 4 years :)

  14. Thank you. I bought it used and had no idea what it did.

  15. Thank you for this, we had no idea what to do.

  16. Hey Thanks !! We have three versions of Buzz. Found your post on how to remove battery cover as there were no screws to remove on this particular one.
