Saturday, March 25, 2006

Movie 2006.03.25 - Matilda

If there's an award for best child actor, the girl playing Matilda (Mara Wilson) should win it. (Actually, it's a three-way tie between her, Liesel Matthews who plays Sara in A Little Princess, and Aileen Quinn who plays Annie.) The girl's a natural.

The movie is based on the book of the same title by Roald Dahl (of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory fame). The story is a bit incredible, but it's a good children's story filled with magic and mischief, comedy and suspense. The story centers around Matilda, who is born to an inappreciative family - a dodgy salesman-father, a bimbo mother, and a Dudley-like brother. They all treat her like trash. Years later, she was sent off to this school controlled by terror headmistress Agatha Trunchbull, whose idea of disciplining a student is grabbing her by the pigtails, whirling her around, and throwing her over the fence. Fortunately, Matilda has a very nice, warm, and understanding (not to mention pretty) teacher by the name of Miss Honey. Turns out Miss Honey is Ms. Trunchbull's niece. Miss Honey's mom died when she was a baby. Her father "killed himself" when she was five, so his stepsister Ms. Trunchbull took over the house, the school, and her life.

Anyway, Matilda uses her special powers to scare Ms. Trunchbull out of the school. Miss Honey moves back into her childhood home, and becomes the new headmistress of the school. Meanwhile, Matilda's family left for Guam in a hurry because the cops are after her Dad. Before they left, they let Miss Honey adopt Matilda, which is the only good deed they ever done. The end.

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