Sunday, August 2, 2009

Movie 2009.08.02 - Tracing Shadow

This movie is billed as a wushu comedy. If the producers have an ounce of honesty left in them, they should've called it a total waste of time. At least for me anyway. Should've used the money on packs of chips instead.

So you've got Francis Ng as director and one of the lead actors. Then you've got Jaycee Chan of Jackie Chan fame. Add in mainland hotties Xie Na and Pace Wu. Get lookalikes for Jet Li, Jacky Chan, and Andy Lau. What have you got? FAIL! Seriously, these guys don't know how to act. Francis Ng's a veteran, but he's content to play his erhu while the whole set burns. The story centers around this treasure map that all the kungfu fighters are after. After all the fights and the obstacles, the "treasure" turns out to be a hoe. No, not a hoe hoe, but a real hoe that farmers use. The only redeeming part of the movie is when all these lookalikes congregate at the Dragon Inn. You've got a bunch of Nicolas Tses, Ritchie Rens, Jackie Chans, Jet Lis, Andy Laus and a whole gang of Jay Chous. Funnee!

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