Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Movie 2010.12.22 - Inception

One of the better films of the year.

Set in a world where extractors can enter your dreams and steal your innermost secrets without you knowing what just happened. Dom Cobb is one such extractor. In a botched operation, he gets to know his victim Saito, who offers him and his buddy Arthur a chance to redeem themselves by attempting a tricky operation called inception, whereby an idea is injected into a person's mind. For this to work, the inception has to be very subtle with the subject believing it was his own idea.

Now, the interesting part here is that Dom has done this before. And his last attempt caused his wife Mallorie to lose track of reality. To jump back to the "real world", she abandoned their two kids and killed herself by jumping off a building. For this mission, Dom and his accomplices have to transport Fischer to a dream within a dream within a dream within a dream (how many was that?), and convince him that dissolving his recently-deceased father's business empire is a good idea. Of course, this dream-within-a dream trick gives you more time to complete your mission, but this also allows the target to become suspicious.

As long as you get the basic concepts, the movie is not that confusing or complex. The special effects are mind-boggling though.

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