Monday, August 15, 2011

Movie 2011.08.15 - The Great Global Warming Swindle

Possibly meant as a rebuttal to the case presented by Al Gore in An Inconvenient Truth. The Great Global Warming Swindle argues that carbon dioxide is not a cause of global warming, but simply a byproduct. It's been there all along, so why worry? We've had hotter climates before. The polar icecaps have melted before. Huge chunks of ice have fallen off iceshelves before. We think it's a big thing because we're only seeing these events now. Give it a few more years, and she'll be right, mate.

So why all this fuss about global warning from the scientists, if things are ok? For one, that's the only way you're going to get research grants and funding from the government nowadays. And the media? Well, news about freak weather events sells, and each one tends to get more extreme that the next in order to catch the jaded public's attention.

So why is the climate getting warmer? It's the sun, dummy. We're currently at the peak of the solar variation cycle. More solar activity means hotter temperatures. Makes sense, right?

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