Friday, August 26, 2011

Movie 2011.08.26 - The Change-Up

Another switched-body comedy. Only reason we "discovered" this movie is the wife did a search for her two favourite actors, Jason Bateman and Ryan Reynolds, and Google came up with this.

The concept has been done to death. An unexplainable metaphysical event happened causing two very different persons to swap bodies. One's an overstressed working family dad/lawyer, while the other is a happy-go-lucky ladies man. They eventually learn to like their new selves and settle in. One wants to prove that he can complete a merger deal. The other wants to have a fling with a hot colleague, which he can't do while in his married self.

As with the other switched-body movies, the guys can now see their lives from a different vantage point, and turn things around once they get their bodies back. The only highlight of the movie are the very inappropriate things that they say and do.

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