Saturday, June 28, 2008

Movie 2008.06.28 - Jasmine Women

Something I recorded on the IQ box long time ago. Jasmine Women (a.k.a. Mo li hua kai) is about three generations of women, who made a few mistakes along the way, and how they try to make the best of their situation. Playing lead roles are Zhang ZiYi and Joan Chen who take turns playing mother and daughter.

Jasmine is called mo li hua in Chinese, and separately, those are the names of the three women, whose stories are told in the movie. Mo is an 18-year old girl, who works in her mom's photo studio. She was seduced by a movie producer, became pregnant, refused to go through with the abortion, was left behind by her lover. She goes back to her Mom's place, and gives birth to Li.

In school, Li fell in love with Zou Jie, who is the student leader of the school's Communist Party. They get married and move into the guy's home. Unfortunately, Li can't cook, can't do household chores, and generally unfit for the worker lifestyle. So the couple moves back with her mom Mo. Unable to bear a child, the couple adopts a baby girl called Hua. As the years pass, Li becomes more and more jealous of Zou's affection to their daughter. She even has delusions of Zou violating Hua, and threatens to report him to the authorities. Zou eventually commits suicide, and Li just disappears.

You would think that Hua ought to be more careful this time, but no. She secretly marries her classmate Du and bears his child. Du goes to Japan for further studies and comes back later to tell Hua that he has found another woman. Her grandmother Mo advises her to abort the baby, but Hua refuses to listen. Despite all her pregnancy preparation, she wasn't able to get herself to a hospital in time, and had to give birth on a sidewalk in the middle of a rainy night. With her new baby, Hua decides to leave home and start a new life.

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