Sunday, December 6, 2009

Movie 2009.12.06 - 2012

Another disaster movie. We were supposed to watch this on Gold Class, but it was booked out. Would've been nice to watch this on Gold Class. I'm pretty sure the plot is so-so, but the special effects must be very good. And at three hours, it's a good way to spend your time inside the Gold Class cinema.

Scientists in India discover that the earth's core is getting hot at an accelerated pace. World leaders were told to prepare for the worst. Taking a leaf from the Bible, they thought of constructing these massive, hi-tech arks to weather out the tsunamis. To fund the project, places on the arks are being sold to the tune of 1 billion euros a pop.

Come 2012, the crustal displacement begins. There are earthquakes everywhere, volcanoes erupting, and the world's famous landmarks come tumbling down. There were some suspenseful moments as John Cusack and his family were escaping from the carnage and trying to head to safer ground in the Himalayas, where the arks are hidden. A bit of drama where Chiwetel Ejiofor defied authority and argued that they should take in everyone, and not just the ticket holders. (I just hate freeloaders.) More finger-biting suspense as the giant tsunami hit, and one of the arks was rendered useless as its main hatch got jammed. Just as the ark was about to smash against Mount Everest, John Cusack managed to fix the problem and saved everyone's lives.

Come year 0001 (about a month after D-Day), the waters have receded and the arks set sail for the Cape of Good Hope to start life anew.

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