Friday, December 11, 2009

Movie 2009.12.11 - Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs

Would've been nice to watch this on 3D - imagine the foodstuffs flying right into your face, but then we watched this at home on the telly. Not too bad. The plot is only so-so, but some of the jokes are really funny. Wacky wannabe scientist Flint invents a gadget (called FLDSMDFR [Flint Lockwood Diatonic Super Mutating Dynamic Food Replicator]) that uses microwave that mutates water into any kind of food you can ask for. And ask they did. The town of Swallow Falls changes its name to Chewandswallow, and eventually becomes deluged with food.

To stop his machine, Flint improvises his car into a spacecraft, flies up into the sky to upload the kill code via USB (a la Independence Day). He loses his thumbdrive while fighting off the sentient super-food, so he asks his Dad to email the kill code to his mobile, and you know that's never gonna work. In the end, the blocks out the machine's output port using his super-sealant, and the machine blows up. Flint plunges back to earth and was saved by ratbirds, another creation of his.

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