Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Movie 2013.07.31 - The Wolverine

Movie should've been titled "The Wolverine Goes to Tokyo" because that's basically what it is.

So Logan is in his usual grouchy mood when a Japanese girl drops by and invites him for a day in Tokyo. Just to say goodbye to an old friend - a Japanese officer he saved during the bombing of Nagasaki. Turns out Yashida did pretty well, and is now one of the most powerful men in Japan. Only one problem - he's dying. He offers to make Logan mortal again. In exchange, he doesn't mind taking over Logan's curse. Win-win, right? Logan doesn't seem to think so.

So Master Yashida passes away, and his granddaughter Mariko is to be his successor. This didn't go down well with his son Shingen, who had the Yakuza kidnap her. Logan takes on the Yakuza, and gets severely wounded. Unknown to him, Viper has injected a micro-robot into his body, which is repressing his skillz. While hiding out in Yashida's hometown, Mariko is kidnapped again by the Yakuza, and then by Harada and his gang of black ninjas. Logan knows he needs to be at his 100%, so he opens up his chest and removes the micro-robot. Easy. And off he goes to rescue his lady love.

At the village, Harada brings down Wolverine with poison-tipped arrows and the Silver Samurai proceeds to drain his life force through his chopped-off claws. Turns out Master Yashida faked his death, and is using the Silver Samurai as an exoskeleton for his weak body. While all this is going on, Harada had a change of heart and helps Logan fight the Silver Samurai. Yukio arrives at the scene and killed off Viper. Mariko picks up Wolverine's severed adamantium claws and uses them to kill her grandfather. With all the bad guys dead, Mariko takes over the Yashida empire, and Logan flies off with his new bodyguard Yukio.

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