Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Movie 2013.11.19 - Thor: The Dark World

Definitely preferred the first Thor over this sequel. There's a lot of unanswered questions and vague concepts. Not sure whether the plot points were really complicated, or the writers were just too lazy to tighten up the script.

If the Aether is so dangerous, why not destroy it, instead of leaving it around inside a stone column? Why was Dr. Selvig running around the Stonehenge naked? How do you explain the levitating cars, in conjunction to smaller items that simply fall through space (and materialize back)? How did Jane's phone get cellular reception in Svartalfheim? How do those teleportation devices work? How do those handheld blackhole generators work? What actually happened when the nine realms aligned? Whole city blocks transported to Jotunheim or Valaheim? How did Loki escape certain death, and what happened to Odin?

There are a few funny moments here and there, and a few cameos. We stayed around for the teaser during mid-credits, then left. Didn't know there's actually more after the final end-credits.

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