Saturday, May 10, 2014

Movie 2014.05.10 - The World's End

Movie about a pub crawl that took 17 years to complete - taking the participants literally to The World's End.

Gary King (Simon Pegg) is hell-bent on completing the Golden Mile, a pub crawl in his hometown of Newton Haven that traverses 12 pubs, culminating at The World's End. He rounds up his old mates for a rematch. Halfway through the pub crawl, they discovered that some of the townsfolk are actually blanks - people who have been converted by the aliens known as The Network. This doesn't seem to faze the guys, as they continue on with their pub crawl.

When they get to The World's End, the remaining buddies have a shouting match with The Network. The aliens decided these loonies are not worth civilizing, and leaves town. An electromagnetic pulse takes out all the technology in the world, bringing back the Dark Ages. Meanwhile, Gary King and his merry band of blanks start another pub brawl somewhere.

I'm thinking there's a type of audience that likes this kind of nonsense movie. There were a few heartfelt moments showing why Gary needs to complete the pub crawl, but not good enough for me.

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