Sunday, May 11, 2014

Movie 2014.05.11 - The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Nice special effects. That's pretty much the only good thing going for the movie. Plot is simple and dragging. The dialogue is bland and stiff. The acting is so-so.

Edmund and Luct gets drawn back to Narnia, as there is a new evil lurking in the shadows. This time they brought along their grouchy, pompous cousin Eustace along for the adventure. The seven Telmarine lords have gone missing, and Caspian sails on the Dawn Treader in search for them. First distraction is the port of Narrowhaven, where Caspian, Edmund, Lucy, and Eustace are captured by slave traders and later rescued by the crew. At the next stop, Lucy gets abducted by invisible creatures, learns some spells from the Book of Incantations, and meets the Oppressor. He tells the guys to collect the seven swords of the lords and lay them on Aslan's table at the island of Ramandu, in order to defeat the Evil Force. At another island, Eustace picks up some forbidden treasure and becomes a fire-breathing dragon. Which is mighty handy, as he pulls the ship when there is no wind, and fights with any sea serpent that might come along.

In the end, Aslan restores Eustace to his human form, the guys manage to collect all seven swords and defeat the evil mist, Aslan gives a long motivational speech, and Edmund and Lucy and Eustace go back to England to resume their boring lives.

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