Tuesday, July 4, 2006

MPO Chamber Concert at Dewan Filharmonik Petronas

I've never been inside the Dewan Filharmonik Petronas before, so I decided to catch this 6pm MPO concert to see what it looks like. And at RM10 for all seats, I'm not too picky about the programme.

This is one of those times where doing things alone is better for more flexibility. I left the Kepong office around 4:45pm. I got to KLCC around 5:30pm. A brisk walk to the box office to buy the ticket. 5:35pm - A quick run to the food court to buy and consume a burger. 5:45pm - Rush back and settle down inside the concert hall. Just imagine if I have to do all this with a friend.

I'm quite impressed with the concert hall. It's relatively small (compared to the one at Sydney Opera House), but it's all nicely designed. The ceiling reminded me of the one in the Great Hall of the People with the star in the center and the ring of lights. Interestingly, the guy beside me is from Auckland. He plays the church organ, and he teaches English and music. Thanks to him, I got to know that the wind instruments on stage tonight are the flute, oboe, bassoon, horn, and clarinet, plus the piano and gong (these I know). Programme as follows:
  • Ravel - Le Tombeau de Couperin (chamber version)
  • Thomas - Merlin
  • Druckman - Reflections on the Nature of Water
  • Ravel - Mother Goose Suite (chamber version)
Second and third pieces make use solely of a marimba. The guy who came out to play actually used four mallets - two on each hand. Just imagine how hard that is - striking four different keys at the same time, and controlling the mallets individually such that they play different notes.

There was no intermission as the whole MPO chamber concert lasted for only one and a half hours. Funny that my new friend and I spent more time chatting at the nearby cafe after the concert. Would've gone on till late night if not for the fact that I have to rest early to catch the 3am World Cup semi-finals.

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